Set in the late 1970s, this hilarious story of friendship and revenge in the Rolodex era is outrageous, thought provoking and even a little romantic.

Pushed to boiling point, three female co-workers concoct a plan to get even with the sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot they call their boss. In an hilarious turn of events Violet, Judy and Doralee live out their wildest fantasy – giving their boss the boot!

Music and lyrics by Dolly Parton book by Patricia Resnick
Originally produced on Broadway by Robert Greenblatt in April 2009


Violet Newstead Sally Boulter

Judy Bernly Nicola Platt-Nolan

Doralee Rhodes Lucy Allen

Roz Keith / Ensemble Melissa Jordan

Kathy / Ensemble Kat Smith

Margaret / Ensemble Christian Jenner

Maria / Ensemble Tess Smith

Missy Hart / Ensemble Nicki Stapleton

Ensemble Claire Hopkins

Ensemble Charlotte Bourne

Ensemble Frances Gaul

Ensemble Angela Smith

Ensemble Marnie Randall

Franklin Hart Ben Child

Joe / Ensemble George Lane

Dwayne Rhodes / Ensemble Glen Conner

Josh Newstead / Ensemble Henry Skillern

Dick Bernly / Ensemble Patrick Yardy

Bob Enright / Ensemble Chris Evans

Russell Tinsworthy / Ensemble Darian Vomund

Ensemble Mark Littlewood

Ensemble Ollie Haworth


Director / Choreographer Sian Couture

Musical Director Artie Reed

Assistant Director Jonathan Lodge

Stage Manager Matt Abercrombie

Production Manager Alan Ayres

Lighting Design Callum MacDonald

Sound Design Phil Robson

Props Liz Williams

Costumes Dereham Theatre Costumes

Set Scenery Hire, Newport

Hair & Make-up Marnie Randall and students of West Suffolk College

Photography Andy Abbott

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